Kivándorlás történelme
Az 1956-os forradalom és annak vérbefolytása az egész világot megrendítette. Kanada és Magyarország kapcsolatában is nagyon fontos mérföldkő volt. Kanadában jelenleg 350,000 élnek, akik magyar származásúnak vallják magukat. A legtöbb magyar bevándorló az 1956-os forradalom után érkezett. Számuk 40.000 körül mozgott. 1956-57-ben Kanada nagyon gyorsan cselekedett, és úgy döntött, hogy minden magyar menekültet befogad, fedezi az útiköltségüket és civilszervezetek bevonásával segíti a magyarok letelepedését.
1956. október 26.

The Prime Minister’s office of Louis St. Laurent receives 32 telegrams begging for action on behalf of a free Hungary.
1956. október 28.

Five days after the Hungarian revolution began, the Security Council began debating a protest against Soviet armed intervention in Hungary filed by several Western countries, including Canada.
1956. október 30.

Canadian Hungarian Relief Fund was established to administer the collection of money and to create a blood bank.
1956. október 30.

The Legion for Freedom was formed in response to hundreds of telegrams, phone calls and letters received by relief organizers requesting the formation of an international brigade to aid Hungary.
1956. október 30.

Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent wrote this letter to N.A. Bulganin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, expressing the outrage of the Canadian people over events in Hungary.
1956. november 7-ig

Three days after the return of the Soviet forces to Hungary, more than 11,000 Hungarians had successfully sought sanctuary in Austria.
1956. november 14.

“Hungarian Red Leader in Toronto Hides Out to Escape Vengeance.” Stephen Szoke, managing editor of the Hungarian language weekly Munkas has gone into hiding. — Toronto Daily Star
1956. november 16.

First Hungarian refugees reach Canada.
1956. november 23.

The largest movement of refugees into Austria took place on this single day, 8,537 Hungarians entered Austria.
1956. november 27.

“Arrangements have been made to establish two reception centres in Toronto for all Hungarian refugees… they include medical and nursing facilities.”
1956. november végére

The number of refugees who left Hungary had surpassed 100,000.
1956. novembere
There was a shortage of young workers in every region of Canada, reflecting the low birth rate of the 1930’s and the unprecedented expansion of the economy. — The Globe and Mail, December 10, 1956
1956. december 4.

“Pickersgill Cuts Red Tape: Refugee Applications processed one-a-minute” — The Toronto Telegram
1956. december 4.

Resources at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Toronto are “being taxed nearly to the breaking point… Rev. Simor estimates 50 people have taken work off or taken vacation time to help with resettlement of refugees.” — The Toronto Telegram
1956. december 21.

“$100,000 Pledge Given Refugees by Universities” Canadian universities have pledged $100,000 to aid refugee university students. — The Globe and Mail
1956. december 31.

New Year’s Eve message broadcast by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: L.B. Pearson admitted: “One thing in the record of 1956 is clear. When the free governments failed to work together we lost ground in our search for peace and stability and progress.”
1957. február 1.

The Hungarian Refugee Students Centre of the National Conference of Canadian Universities began to operate in Montreal. Eventually, 658 students registered with the centre.
1957. júniusáig

Approximately 7,000 Hungarian refugees were received at the Toronto reception centres...most found jobs in Toronto.
Az ország történetében ez volt az első olyan nagy menekülthullám, amely angol vagy francia nyelvtudás nélkül érkezett ilyen nagy számban, ilyen rendkívül rövid idő alatt.